I am Mahmudul Karim Farsad, a very simple and ever-smiling person with unlimited colorful and creative ideas and dreams. I love to see the world through my eyes, Love to hope, Love to think, Love to dream, and love to make any positive change or invent anything that is extraordinary with my God-gifted Creativity...for example- my Management skills... read more
This website will be helpful both for the AIUBians & my Friends & Family.
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Why a website? In this era of emerging Information Technology and Globalization, a person’s identity is not fulfilled without a virtual address which can act like a virtual home for his virtual soul. Not only that, as a Business Student of a leading international University and as a future student of Management Information System (MIS), it is necessary for me to keep myself always one step ahead to compete in this challenging job and corporate sector. Where the IT is a media of identity and a source of unlimited knowledge.